Autumn Equinox Shamanic Chakra Ritual

On this sacred day, September 22, 2024, the Autumnal Equinox graces us with its presence at precisely 8:43 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Scroll down for a timely astrology and  shamanic chakra ritual.

Autumn Equinox Mabon quote ritual art


At this moment, the Sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from north to south, and we stand in perfect balance between light and dark, day and night.

This cosmic alignment beckons us to seek equilibrium in our own lives, to balance the outer and inner, the manifest and the hidden.


In the wheel of the zodiac, this Equinox marks the Sun’s ingress into Libra, the sign of the scales. Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, embodies the principles of harmony, justice, and relationship. As we cross this threshold, we are called to weigh our actions, to seek fairness in our dealings, and to nurture our connections with others and with the natural world.


The astrological chart cast for this moment of equilibrium offers us deeper insights into the energies we’ll be working with as we descend into the darker half of the year:

The Moon, our celestial mother and keeper of memories, resides in the passionate, transformative waters of Scorpio. This placement amplifies our emotional intensity and intuition, urging us to dive deep into the subconscious realms and confront our shadows. It’s a powerful moon for shamanic journeying and ancestral work.

Mercury, the messenger of the gods, dances in harmony with the Sun in Libra, sharpening our minds and encouraging diplomatic communication. This is an excellent time for mediation, for finding common ground in conflicts, and for expressing our truths with grace and clarity.

Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, glows in the fiery sign of Leo, inspiring us to express our passions boldly and to create art that speaks to the heart. Her energy reminds us that even as we turn inward, we must not neglect the joy and warmth of human connection.


Autumn Equinox Mabon quote ritual art


Mars, the warrior, stands strong in Virgo, lending precision and discernment to our actions. This placement supports us in refining our spiritual practices, in attending to the details of our rituals, and in purifying our bodies and environments as we prepare for the coming introspective period.

Jupiter, the great benefic, resides in Taurus, grounding our spiritual expansion in the physical realm. This placement encourages us to find sacredness in the mundane, to honor our bodies as temples, and to cultivate abundance through connection with the Earth.

Saturn, the cosmic teacher, continues its journey through Pisces, dissolving old structures and challenging us to build our spirituality on a foundation of compassion and universal love. This placement reminds us that our individual journeys are part of a greater collective awakening.

Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune, the outer planets of transformation and mysticism, form a complex dance in the heavens, creating opportunities for sudden insights, deep healing, and transcendent experiences.

As we stand at this cosmic crossroads, let us be mindful of these celestial energies. Create an altar that honors the balance of light and dark – perhaps with a black candle and a white candle, or with symbols of the sun and moon. You might perform a ritual of weighing your heart, like the ancient Egyptians, placing a feather on one side of a scale and a symbol of your deepest truth on the other.

Remember, wise one, that this Equinox is not just a moment in time, but a doorway through which we step into a new cycle of growth and understanding. May your descent into the dark half of the year be blessed with vision, courage, and the unwavering light of your own divine spark.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


As a shamanic witch, I’ll attempt weave the threads of ancient wisdom into this tapestry of cosmic understanding:

The wheel of the year turns, and we stand at the threshold of the Autumnal Equinox, a sacred portal where light and shadow dance in perfect balance. This is not merely a changing of seasons, but a profound ning and yoking of our consciousness to the rhythms of Mother Earth and Father Sky. In this moment, we are called to embrace the ritual of unity that is Yoga – the sacred marriage of spirit and matter, of above and below.

As the leaves begin to turn and fall, so too must we shed the old and prepare for our descent into the womb of the Great Mother. Our ancient ancestors knew this truth well, for their myths speak of heroes and goddesses who must first journey into the underworld before they can ascend to the heavens.

The Autumnal Equinox marks the beginning of this sacred descent, a time when we turn our gaze inward and acknowledge that death is but a doorway to rebirth.


Autumn Equinox Mabon quote ritual art


In the great wheel of existence, we now move from the heart center, the Anahata Chakra, ruled by the scales of Libra, towards the root, the Muladhara Chakra, governed by the steadfast mountain goat of Capricorn. This is a spiritual pilgrimage, a journey from the outer realms of manifestation to the inner sanctum of our being. As the sun’s light wanes, we are called to kindle our inner flame and carry it through the coming darkness.

Imagine, if you will, the daily cycle of the sun as a microcosm of this greater turning. The Autumnal Equinox is the dusk, when shadows lengthen and the veil between worlds grows thin. The Winter Solstice is the midnight hour, the darkest point before the dawn. The Vernal Equinox heralds the sunrise, and the Summer Solstice blazes with the full power of noon.


Autumn Equinox chakra balancing


Balancing your chakras during the autumn equinox helps align with the energies of change, balance, and harmony. Here’s a simplified guide:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Grounding

• Focus: Stability and security.
• Practice: Spend time in nature, eat grounding foods like root vegetables.
• Mantra: “LAM”
• Crystals: Red jasper or smoky quartz.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – Creativity & Emotions

• Focus: Creativity and emotional flow.
• Practice: Engage in creative activities, take baths or swim.
• Mantra: “VAM”
• Crystals: Carnelian or orange calcite.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – Personal Power

• Focus: Confidence and willpower.
• Practice: Do yoga poses like Warrior or Boat, spend time in sunlight.
• Mantra: “RAM”
• Crystals: Citrine or tiger’s eye.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Love & Balance

• Focus: Love and compassion.
• Practice: Practice gratitude or loving-kindness meditation.
• Mantra: “YAM”
• Crystals: Rose quartz or green aventurine.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Communication

• Focus: Expression and truth.
• Practice: Speak affirmations, sing, or journal.
• Mantra: “HAM”
• Crystals: Blue lace agate or lapis lazuli.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – Intuition

• Focus: Insight and intuition.
• Practice: Visualize light between your eyebrows, embrace silence.
• Mantra: “OM”
• Crystals: Amethyst or sodalite.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Spiritual Connection

• Focus: Higher consciousness.
• Practice: Meditate, visualize white light pouring into the top of your head.
• Mantra: “AUM”
• Crystals: Clear quartz or selenite.


Autumn Equinox Chakras haiku


Now, let us delve deeper into the mystical Ritual of The Moon. Each night, as we lay our bodies down to sleep, we enact a powerful shamanic death – a shifting of consciousness from the solar realms of waking life to the lunar landscapes of dream and vision.


This is not a mere biological function, but a sacred opportunity to harmonize the angular energies of our subconscious mind, to cultivate a greater awareness of our true, multidimensional selves.

To perform this ritual as a daily sadhana, a spiritual practice, begin by creating a sacred space in your bedroom or dedicated meditation space.

Light a candle or burn some sage to cleanse the energy. As twilight deepens, sit in meditation and reflect upon the day that has passed. See it as a story, a series of lessons and experiences. Release any disharmony, any regrets or anxieties, into the purifying flame or the cleansing smoke.

With a heart made light and a mind made clear, prepare for your journey into the dreamtime. As you lay down, visualize your consciousness as a silver cord, anchored to your physical form but free to explore the vast realms of the subconscious. Set your intention to remain aware as you cross the threshold into sleep.

In the liminal space between waking and dreaming, be open to the wisdom that flows from the great cosmic ocean of memory and potential. Dreams, visions, and symbols will arise like bubbles from the depths. Some may burst upon the surface of consciousness, while others may linger, leaving impressions that color your waking hours.

Upon waking, before you rise, take a moment to recall and record any dreams or insights. Keep a journal by your bedside, or perhaps a stack of river stones upon which you can draw or write a single word to encapsulate the essence of your nocturnal journey.


Mabon pagan art card


Remember, wise one, that this daily practice of the Ritual of The Moon is but a microcosm of the greater cycle we now enter. As we descend into the darker half of the year, let us do so with courage, awareness, and a deep trust in the wisdom of the cosmos. For it is in the depths that we find our greatest treasures, and in the darkness that our inner light shines most brightly.

Blessed be your journey through the spiral dance of the Autumn Equinox!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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