Yes, you can begin again. Not from scratch but from an accumulation of experience and wisdom. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to start over since beginning here anew last summer. Th...Read More
Hey, it’s your Monday morning quarterback with some horse sense. Seriously, I did a lovely series on horses when I visited Knoxville recently. I’m so used to photographing cats, larger ani...Read More
Leave it to the French to come up with The Most Elegant Quote About Gratitude. But it’s somehow so perfect unlike the unruly vines outside my dressing room window. They’re wisteria that we...Read More
Whoops, I’m back from what feels like death, a rabbit hole, a hamster wheel on steroids. In six years of blogging this has never happened to me. Sure it might be 3 am...Read More
Nothing is scarier than our imagination. But one scary thought is not having enough time to blog here more often. Cat Wisdom 101 is my prime focus. Over the past three months I’ve done four phot...Read More
Who rescues those who rescue pets? Who saves a frazzled, pet summit goer? I found out last week in NYC. I was invited to #BetterwithPets, a TED type event sponsored by Purina. My home in Westchester C...Read More
You know things have gone beyond crazy busy when you’re dreaming of being stranded on desert island with no WIFI. No Internet. Nothing but fresh air wafting through an overloaded brain. I stradd...Read More
One day your ship will come in, your prince will arrive. One day is so far away it has no face or date. It’s the shimmer of promise of an oasis in the desert. What we have today is one day. For ...Read More
About a month ago, I started scribbling notes for my doors and window series all about the beauty of crumbling beauty and decay. At the same time I’d done a Q & A with a friend at my other b...Read More
As we begin a new week, I’m painfully aware of my absence here but it’s harvest time. Yes, that’s me with the late harvest raspberries but I’m no farmer. This year I wouldnR...Read More