This is our skinny on the Jewish New Year. A what, when, why, where and how. What:Rosh Hashanah literally means “head of the year” and considered the new year to mark the symbolic co...Read More
Happy Autumn Equinox! 10 Best Autumn Equinox quotes are some of my favorite quotes about the seasonal shift from summer into fall. Hope you share the bounty. 1) Autumn begins with a subtle c...Read More
Go on admit it: you take selfies. Everyone does, the way everyone is a photographer now. There are a staggering 350 million photos uploaded to Facebook. Every day. With 250 Billion photos, Facebook is...Read More
Happy Monday dear Boomer Muse readers. Let’s get an awesome week started right out of the gate. Life is more complicated than ever. Do you feel like you’re constantly juggling or jumping t...Read More
Albert Einstein is widely credited for the quote: “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollinat...Read More
Fashion Week (watch the highlights live) is winding down and for many us, shoes are the cherry on top. Shoes don’t care you’ve gained two dress sizes, if you’re tall or short, model ...Read More
I promised something magical yesterday and I’m delivering. How magical? It’s up to you. There are always two sides to every story and in this case, garden. Ready? This is a very real place...Read More
While on a blog hiatus from Boomer Muse this summer, I wasn’t exactly shooting the breeze or twiddling my thumbs, I blogged most days at Cat Wisdom 101 and took photographs. Yes, there are a...Read More
Fashion Week lost its fizz when Joan Rivers sadly passed on Thursday. I wondered what Joan would say about fashion week this year. Her funeral is today and I sorely miss her fearless wit and fa...Read More
New York Fashion Week and these are my top 10 fashion quotes. Well, 11 if you count mine in the photo quote. 1) “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” —Rachel Zoe 2...Read More