Fashion Week (watch the highlights live) is winding down and for many us, shoes are the cherry on top. Shoes don’t care you’ve gained two dress sizes, if you’re tall or short, model gorgeous or seen better days. A good pair of shoes (and we all have our favorites) can make or break your outfit, mood or day. I confess to not wearing any shoes for most of the summer. I’m a die hard barefoot gal and if I had to pound the pavement I wore sandals and flip flops. The thought of even wearing socks is making me feel claustrophobic but I’m getting ready for rock and rule shoes. Do you have a pair like that? Do your shoes let you rule the world?
Do Your Shoes Let You Rule The World?

I adore shoes! I’m a boot and jeans girl myself. Short or tall, I love em.
Don’t forget, you have to have a purse for each pair too!
I wore high heels to work thouhh for years, the funkier the better to shock people!
Matching color of bag or not?
My sneakers let me rule the world. LOL. I have a Morton’s neuroma and plantar fasciitis in the same foot, as well as hip/glute/back issues. Have to wear good athletic arch support insoles in everything. Plus my feet are 6.5 D and well, it’s super-hard to find anything but practical footwear. Can’t imagine wearing anything but flats with good soles! 🙂
My sneakers let me rule the world. LOL. I have a Morton’s neuroma and plantar fasciitis in the same foot, as well as hip/glute/back issues. All my footwear has to have good support in terms of soles and allow for athletic arch support inserts. Plus I’m a 6.5D in size and it’s exceptionally hard to find anything other than practical shoes to fit and be comfortable, always was. So I never developed a thing for shoes, and certainly can’t start now.
I do like purses and knapsacks, though! 😀
I can’t wear high heels either anymore, at least not without penalty. Comfort first is the wisdom of age.