Happy Earth Day! I’d planned on posting something fabulous and went a Google image search for “Earth Day Quotes”. The very first image that popped up was mine, stolen on site with ...Read More
Some of you fell through the cracks. Subscribers that is and I apologize for any missing notifications. I’ve only been posting about once weekly, so if you’ve m...Read More
Do you remember the last time you felt energized and motivated to take the stairs two at time? I don’t. I also don’t remember when my knees began to creak and complain. Suddenly all ki...Read More
On the weekend I went in search of signs of life or spring. On this day, for the past few years, cherry blossoms already emerged pink and cheery. Not this year. It’s as if Mother Nature did no...Read More
March 22 is #WorldWaterDay and I’m joining World Vision to spread awareness for people around the globe who need safe water sources. Despite impressive gains made over the last decade, 748 milli...Read More
You know things aren’t okay when it’s 3 am and I’m racing to get a post up. After an excruciating day of slow and crashing computers I called my host, Godaddy and apparently they are...Read More
The stone garden muse has been literally snowed under and so have I: on every level. Buried with work and piles of papers, laundry and snow growing is this winter’s metaphor. It was time to dr...Read More
Can you remember the smell of the perfume your grandmother or mother wore? How about the scent your baby’s or cat’s head? It’s all in your head. That’s how you can access you...Read More