Summer looks like this now, or at least it did yesterday on a hot afternoon north of NYC. The lush greens are fading, fall berries are ripening and the first pumpkins are here. There’s a contrad...Read More
Last year I tore a tiny strip from the New York Times and taped it to my desktop. I meant to blog about it, the snippet of a poem by British poet Mark Ford but instead it stayed as a blogger mantra un...Read More
While searching deep in my photo archives, I found an old photo quote ( guess you’d call it a selfie now) about friendship from 2, 3, 4 years? ago. It wasn’t what I was looking but ...Read More
If you’re getting married, hiring a wedding photographer is a given. Some are more creative than others but most couples want the standard memory shots, mostly posed, nicely framed with some can...Read More
An iced latte is cool or maybe a triple scoop of ice cream. I can’t help you there but I do have a bumper crop of Rumi photo quotes leftover from last week. Here ...Read More
Last week I blogged about the joys of travel even in crappy situations but the truth is you don’t need to travel. Travel expands your minds and stretches horizons but inner journeys go farther...Read More
Just saying: there are only 62 days left of summer. I’m enjoying every drop of sweat and don’t mind sleeping without A/C. Okay, maybe turned on low. Meanwhile I have a friend...Read More
Persian Garden Inspiration By Rumi is our theme this week. We begin the week with a double dose of water lily love. Remember, the entrance to the sanctuary is within you. It’s the ultimate i...Read More
Airplanes have small windows but see big worlds. They appear as huge metal birds on the ground but tiny specks in the sky. They feel spacious when you don’t have anyone next to you. The...Read More
Our summer countdown continues scary fast. Yes, there are only 66 days of summer left. I did a series of photographs about airplanes and travel which I may share a few in a flurry over the ne...Read More