The Real Horror Of Halloween: A True Story. Well actually I have three. The spookiest time of the year is largely manufactured to the tune of 6.9 billion in the U.S. this year. It’s spent on ca...Read More
How To Prepare For Autumn Zen is not a to-do list but a to-be state of mind. No instructions. No rules. Just a little autumn Haiku and sprezzatura. This image is a departure for me but its simplicity ...Read More
It’s the Jewish New Year. No matter what religion you follow, the kick off to the holiday season seems to begin earlier every year. Advertising is already about Halloween and yikes, turkey t...Read More
Airplanes have small windows but see big worlds. They appear as huge metal birds on the ground but tiny specks in the sky. They feel spacious when you don’t have anyone next to you. The...Read More
Someone correct me if I’m wrong: it may be only 83 days left of summer. When June, a favorite month sped by in a haze of anguish, grief and exhaustion I deci...Read More
Summer is short. With summer barely out of the gate, it’s feels like endless barefoot days ahead but there are only 86 days until fall. Here’s a crazy idea. I thought I’d focus all...Read More
Can you feel it? Stop for a moment to feel the earth shift from spring to summer, from frozen to fecund. It’s happening now. Happy May Day and Blessed Beltane....Read More
Happy Earth Day! I’d planned on posting something fabulous and went a Google image search for “Earth Day Quotes”. The very first image that popped up was mine, stolen on site with ...Read More
March 22 is #WorldWaterDay and I’m joining World Vision to spread awareness for people around the globe who need safe water sources. Despite impressive gains made over the last decade, 748 milli...Read More
You know things aren’t okay when it’s 3 am and I’m racing to get a post up. After an excruciating day of slow and crashing computers I called my host, Godaddy and apparently they are...Read More