Chinese New Year Good Fortune without the cookie. Yes, no calories either. If you feel the new year hasn’t quite kicked it yet, wait until tomorrow. The Chinese New Year begins tomorrow with a n...Read More
Why 2017 is Going to Be Better and our #2016bestofnine. It comes down to numbers. In numerology, 2016 resonated to a #9 year (add up the single digits of the year). It’s the end of a nine year c...Read More
As Above and So Below On Samhain (Halloween) means finding the real magic. It’s my favorite holiday of the year, even though it marks the end of summer, my favorite season. Apparently I’m ...Read More
Mother’s Day is around the corner and we have the Top 10 Mother’s Day Recipes To Wow Mom. By mom, I mean your own mother, a step-mom or someone who is mother to furry kids. I believe cat m...Read More
April 22 is Earth Day. It’s a man-made holiday since the Earth, our dear planet, Gaia would say, Make Every Day Earth Day. Every day, something natural and wondrous happens. I notice the tiny t...Read More
March 20 is the first day of spring but did you know the it’s also the pagan holiday of Eostre or Ostara and the real Easter? Ostara is the Anglo-Saxon goddess named for east or dawn. Pagans,...Read More
The 12 days of Christmas ends on December 25 but if you’re celebrating the 12 days of Yuletide which begins today, there is more to celebrate. Yule is marked on the winter solstice, the shortest...Read More
There so many holidays during December I feel like saying “Merry Everything” to be inclusive, but someone will think it offensive. Christmas used to be distinctly red and green in bright j...Read More
While you’re going through holiday season hell, heaven, joy, frustration or fill in your flavor, size, colorful adjective of your choice, only one thing is true: There are 30 days left until the...Read More
Is three times the charm? Let’s hope so as we re-post about letting go for the third time. A WordPress plugin glitch created a fatal error and in the restore lost the post, again in the height o...Read More